Insurance/Reinsurance and Takaful
Advising New Hampshire Insurance Company/CHARTIS on the observations of the SECP, in its capacity as the regulator, pursuant to an insurance audit carried out by SECP. These included potential irregularities in respect of certain provisions of the travel insurance policies, bancassurance policies and payment of stamp duty; subsequently assisting New Hampshire Insurance Company /CHARTIS in preparing a response to the SECP in relation to the said observations and advising them on the corrective/ remedial action(s). Reviewing of policies which were the subject of the observations as well as the Insurance Ordinance, 2000, the Insurance Rules, 2002 and the Securities and Exchange Commission (Insurance) Rules, 2002.
Reviewing and advising on Slip and Policy wording in a variety of insurance policies, notably business interruption, CAR, D&O, professional indemnity (including architects’ PI), public liability as well as strike, riot and civil commotion policies.
Analyzing policy documents for the purpose of determining coverage and drafting Policy Response. Commercially and efficiently managing insurance disputes, reporting to insurers and drafting settlement agreements.
Advising on reinsurance treaties and retrocession agreements.
Rendering advice to an international insurance business group for establishing a conventional insurance company and a takaful company in Pakistan. Resolving statutory and regulatory issues pertaining to the two companies and liaising with the SECP in this regard.
Rendering advice as well as reviewing and drafting documents for various bancassurance products, including ATM withdrawal, credit life, property, autos and mortgage insurance for clients such as NIB Bank Ltd., JS Bank Ltd. and New Jubilee Insurance Company Ltd.
Rendering advice as well as reviewing and drafting documents for various bancassurance products, including ATM withdrawal, credit life, property, autos and mortgage insurance for clients such as NIB Bank Ltd., JS Bank Ltd. and New Jubilee Insurance Company Ltd.